DeCom Subliminal Interactive Advertising                                       .  .  brings a decentralized and democratic economic platform to the real economy!
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  Cloudfunding flips advertising to a 'value added' role

While much of the success of digital advertising is judged on the number of views that an 'ad' is seen by someone or something, it's little comfort for the Sellers if there are only limited sales.

There's a growing Marketing Dilemma, it's the growing lack of results that 'paid advertising' gets from over exposing Seller products to an audience that has lost interest and are not influenced to buy  -  the model is proving that it can't scale as a ROI.

Until now it's been free money for an industry that has only come up with more ways to expose advertising, and at the end of the day can only offer unaccountable targeted clicks, as any ROI for the Seller

-  if ever there was a suitable time for the saying,
the emperor has no cloths, it's with Paid Advertising.

A change is needed, a catalyst to meet the growing needs in Commerce, one that can scale globally.

          Advertising is that catalyst, it can transition from cost to value to meet that demand as Free Economic Value.

Advertising as a function of Commerce should be able to quietly influence people to want to buy, that's what ComTechX has focused on achieving, giving the incentive and having a broad enough influence that it can be measured as a social capital  -  Cloudfunds

                      .  .  it's free to earn, there's no interest or fees charged and it doesn't need to be paid back, ever!

                          -  it's free working capital for Commerce in the 21st Century  -  the Digital Era will be a Cashless World

                          -  it can scale and support Outsourced Selling to solve the Marketing Dilemma

                          -  it can support businesses and industries that relied on Paid Advertising, with new revenue models

                          -  it eliminates the disingenuous method of revenue raising by screening 'unwanted Ads'

                          -  Outsourced Selling opens up Global Commerce to the Automation of the Salesman.

The transition of advertising, from being part of the mechanics of Commerce, to its distribution as Free Economic Value, and its validation as free working capital  -  that's tied to genuine Global Productivity in the Supply and Demand of products and services, through to its final validation as a neutral Universally Decentralized Capital  -  key to the ongoing perpetual flow of economic growth in the New Economy.

It captures the hidden inventories that never get pulled into the dynamics of Advertising because the exposure time to an audience disappears as soon as the money paid to Advertise is gone  -  that problem of the lost hidden inventories is now solved with Free Economic Value and Outsourced Selling because it reaches every single product and service in the Seller's inventory that's listed to sell.

Free Digital Advertising doesn't push out ads into people's faces, the only way to see QwickPics is to Opt-in to the service, the content being displayed is transparent for everyone to view and act on accordingly, with incentives for both Sellers and Buyers

      -  Local Commerce with Outsourced Selling is scalable on a global level   -   this is Localization.

As the technological shift moves businesses from old thinking to the digital speed of today's Commerce where there's a much shorter response time, businesses need to be able to move their inventory to market and get sales, so they need tactics and tools that operate in real time, they need predictability just like other functions in Commerce are expected be predictable.

Outsourced Selling with Free Advertising provides real time response, it doesn't hide behind the Paid Advertising thesis of 'spray it out there and something will stick', those days are numbered along with advertising being judged only on targeting results and not sales  

-  Digital Advertising is being questioned in this transition to the Digital Economy it needs to prove it can get results.

Local businesses have a new marketing avenue with Free Advertising, local Newspapers that relied on Paid Advertising can now reverse the trend of lower revenue when Free Advertising is introduced to local businesses.

Local Buyers will see the incentive with low Buying Prices when Sellers begin to release their inventory Online and in Print

Once Buyers see that earning Cloudfunds and getting going with Cloudfunding that their 'buying power' will change as well.

Marketing is 'reinvented' to fit the Digital Era

On the initial stage to Outsource the Selling to the Global Crowd, it simply allows anyone, who shows interest, to Opt-In to view QwickPics, first to earn Cloudfunds, then to register and be able to participate in the bidding process.

With Sellers listing the quantity of units in their inventory, as the interested OMMs and local buyers register for a particular deal, as each unit deal meets the full number required for the deal to go Live the next new registration begins to fill the next units.

The Global Crowd is an 'Opt-in' audience, so little time is needed to attract bidders, even the bidding process is limited to 15 minutes.

Once the automatic bidding process has found the winning price it's then released on the Open Market for local Buyers to purchase at the same winning bid price, which's 20% max of the full Seller's price, once a local Buyer buys the item, it's available for collection.

Media and Publishers can have their own 'Willy Wonker  -  Golden Ticket' serendipitous moments in changing consumer behavior  -  exclusive codes only need to be captured from print and TV by a mobile and launched through the networks to millions.

It's an ideal way for mediums to use IA  -  Interactive Advertising to incentivize the demographics that read print and watch TV, and gain new and better revenue streams that are protected within their own marketing strategies.

Advertising is now Free Economic Value

The New Economy changes how the digital world monetizes, there're two options that businesses can use separately or combined, one is the Opt-in and the other is the Subscription model,  

-  by redesigning the monetization model for all the players, including media and marketing agent, it takes away the centralized and monopolistic trend and provides a more open democratic model that's fully based on actual results in sales.

By making advertising free and by reinventing it as Free Economic Value for Buyers and Sellers to use as free working capital,

-  it breaks free from the CTR ( click thru rate ) and in-view rate formats and delivers Sellers guaranteed sales by combining marketing and commerce in the one action  -  bringing Outsourced Selling and serendipity together.

Digital advertising is a service that vast amounts of money are being spent on to obtain no true accountable result  -  the time of a Seller not knowing which part of their advertising budget worked is over, Sellers now can get guaranteed sales with Free Advertising.

Cloudfunding has taken the 'service' and reinvented its commercial value as a currency with intrinsic value, to use as an asset value.

Cost of advertising products and services is usually a percentage of the full selling price of items  -  what the Platform does is allocate the advertising cost to the full Selling Price but instead of Sellers paying, the full value is shared for free with Buyers and Sellers.

The Global Crowd earn small percentages of the full value of products or services, once an item is fully sold at a Place of Trust, the earned share is validated as real digital cash

-  the Global Crowd can use the Cloudfunds as free working capital in strategies for bidding and spend it for other commerce.

Cloudfunding has taken advertising as a product, which already flows around the Internet, and reinvented it into a product of value  

-  a currency with an intrinsic value that's free to earn, charges no interest or fees and never needs to be paid back, ever!.

Free Advertising gives Buyers affordability!

A Scalable Digital Economy changes the current model by using visual displays with QwickPics to show what's being offered - but then gives the service to Sellers for free, followed by an important part of commerce  -  getting the sales for the seller,

-  technology has now solved the last step in commerce, by getting a sale for every item being offered by a Seller.

-  low buying prices will always sell, what Price Demand does is offer discount buying prices while giving Sellers their full prices.

The economies of scale reach means that farmers and shop owners in Africa or India have a greater opportunity to sell their inventory at the full retail prices because of the demand increase, the advantage is that the Global Crowd works equally with everyone, in real time, no matter which country the Seller comes from.

It's not only farmers and shop owners in developing countries that can use Outsourced Selling, it can be used for all the utilities like power, gas, solar, water, all the basic needs to live with, Outsourced Selling can make life more affordable.


QwickPic Ready




Cloudfunds is Free Economic Value                                       Cloudfunds can scale for sellers and buyers
Advertising starts a new life
How Cloudfunds are earned                                               How does The Monetizing Moment work with Cloudfunds?
How to use Cloudfunds
How the bidding process works!                                         What is Cloudfunding and how does it work?

Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?

QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

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